Löschen Your Windows 10 is infected with 5 viruses! Pop-Up Sofort
Fehler durch Your Windows 10 is infected with 5 viruses! Pop-Up
0x00000018, 0x80240039 WU_E_TOO_MANY_RESYNC Agent is asked by server to resync too many times., 0x000000A7, 0x80243FFE WU_E_WUCLTUI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION Unsupported version of WU client UI exported functions., 0x0000004A, 0x80244034 WU_E_PT_ECP_FAILURE_TO_DECOMPRESS_CAB_FILE An external cab file could not be decompressed., 0x80240027 WU_E_URL_TOO_LONG The URL exceeded the maximum length., 0x80248008 WU_E_DS_MISSINGDATA The data store is missing required information or has a NULL in a table column that requires a non-null value., 0xf0802 CBS_S_ALREADY_EXISTS source already exists, now copy not added, 0x00000093, 0x000000A5, 0x8024400B WU_E_PT_SOAP_VERSION Same as SOAP_E_VERSION_MISMATCH - SOAP client found an unrecognizable namespace for the SOAP envelope., 0x000000D8, 0x00000052, 0x8024E002 WU_E_EE_INVALID_EXPRESSION An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because an expression was invalid., 0x0000007F, 0x000000CA, 0x80244026 WU_E_PT_REGISTRATION_NOT_SUPPORTED Operation failed because Windows Update Agent does not support registration with a non-WSUS server., 0x0000009E